Welcome back for day 16 of the #blackcode28 Black History Month 28 day challenge. Today is a day to get cozy with your journals! Our topic today is greatness. A quick search on Google for that term will show you that many people are interested in seeking this answer.

Growth vs. Fixed Mindset
To define greatness, we have to understand the difference between a Growth Mindset and a Fixed mindset. People with a growth mindset believe in freedom and that all of your innate talents and abilities can be developed or massaged through practice and perseverance. In contrast, people with a fixed mindset have a limiting self-belief and feel that their innate talents or abilities are with you from birth. They would most certainly avoid failure while someone with a growth mindset relishes in it. When we try to break into the tech industry, a person with a growth mindset who is switching careers would have a much easier time pursuing it. A growth mindset person isn’t immune to experiencing obstacles but instead finds the opportunity or growth within and beyond them. .
Defining Greatness
To define greatness, one would have to determine if they align with a growth mindset or fixed mindset. As the creator of this site, I will share that I believe in having a growth mindset. As such, I would define greatness as:
- the ability to set a goal
- execute that goal with unwavering faith until you reach your result
- And a person who embodies greatness also knows when to pay it forward after getting to their predetermined destiny.

Writing Prompt
For today’s writing prompt, in your journals, dissect the question below:
How do you define greatness?
Think about your views on the growth and fixed mindset and influential people in history (or your personal life) who you admire as great. Pour your heart out on the page, and have fun with this one!
That’s it for today. See you tomorrow for day 17.
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