DS4A Beginning:
If it wasn’t for Lidia of Poderosacoding on Instagram, the Correlation One Data Science for All Empowerment program wouldn’t have found me. Or maybe it would have because they say, “What’s for you won’t pass you by.” On December 4th, 2020, she posted the marketing link for the program, accepting applicants for their second cohort. I emailed it to myself and thanked her for posting it because I wanted to apply.
Data Science Backstory:
My journey with python started in spring 2017. I moved to Washington, D.C., for a federal job after spending two years in Botswana with the Peace Corps. Fueled by the notion that I wanted to make new friends and find FREE coding classes, I stumbled upon Hear Me Code. Effort founded by Shannon Turner to offer women in D.C. free coding courses. The lessons were on Saturdays and lasted about four hours. It was a great way to meet other women interested in the tech field and coding. It was my introduction to python…and I understood nothing! Lol. Imposter Syndrome, should be renamed “imposter parasite“. Because the feeling never leaves your insides. At this time, I also started the Colt Steele Web developer Bootcamp on Udemy.
For the rest of 2017, I struggled with self-teaching, coding Meet Ups, found Black Code Collective and joined Women Who Code.
In 2018 I manifested the opportunity to work on a detail (a short internship)at my job.I learned AI and Machine Learning techniques using python and fatal occupational injury data. The experience was very anxiety-inducing. I knew my math skills needed refreshing, and working my regular job and doing this detail experience part-time was challenging. Full immersion in the material was a challenge. My intentions were to practice in Jyptuer notebook in the evenings once home from work, fed, and settled. But my pillow or couch always got the best of me.
I stopped studying python by January 2019.
I gave up on myself and the idea of transitioning into the tech world. Stopped attending meet-ups, hackathons, following techies on Twitter, and watching coding videos on YouTube. But the desire and passion never left. Suppressed by aimless meanderings in the cubicle farm world. In 2020 the world imploded (basically), and it seemed like a great time to start back with Colt Steele’s boot camp while quarantined in the apartment. And the course had been completely revamped.
In May, I decided to change the trajectory of my life and, by summer 2021, be in a completely different space (home, career, lifestyle).
The DS4A Program

The Wait:
I didn’t hear anything for a long time. But my timeline went like this:
- December 30th, I received an email that stated the assessment would launch in mid-January due to “fine-tuning.” Relieves, since this meant I was still in the running, right?
- January 16th, the email for the assessment came! I couldn’t believe it. This solidified that the program was, in fact, real, and I was seen. I completed the evaluation. And let me tell you, it was hard! Remember earlier when I talked about my poor math skills and imposter syndrome? They appeared in full effect. On the first question, I thought to myself, “Yes, I knew that one! I got this!”. By the end, my brain had spontaneously combusted. We were allotted one hour to complete the test. Which was barely enough time(for me). I hit submit and laughed. I just knew it was a big failure. *Sigh* I tried not to think about the outcome and just went on with day-to-day life. Still pushing through the Colt Steele course and looking into other training. Also completed all my graduate school applications by this point and was satisfied with my efforts.
- February 17th, another email came from the DS4A team. The program received a record amount of applicants and “nothing further is needed from me at this time”. It said a status update would come by March 1st.
Still Waiting:
- February 24th, at almost 8pm, I received another DS4A email (but I didn’t see it until the next day, if I remember correctly). I shrugged my shoulders, shook my head, and opened it. My brain read, ” Thank you for applying…better luck next year”. But in actuality, it was an invitation to interview! I was in disbelief. But the big blue button that said ” start your interview” was there. A one-way recorded interviewed and needed to be completed by March 1st. At this point, I should add that I was dealing with some phantom illness that made my heart race and chest tight 24-7, and I felt lethargic and absentminded all the time. But I needed to get it together enough to ace this interview. Fight through your pain, they say. Around this time, I also found Victoria Morgan’s blog post about her experience in cohort 1. It was inspiring to read.
- February 25th attended a Correlation One webinar. The comments were mainly about applications or interview emails, and many people had already heard back. I was a little sad since I hadn’t heard anything, but that imposter parasite reminded me that I never had a chance anyway(I hadn’t seen the interview email yet).
- February 26th completed and submitted a one-way interview.
- March 10th, I got in! I received that best email ever from DS4A informing me of my acceptance into the program. And also had to complete four weeks of pre-foundational python training. I get goosebumps all over again thinking about that email. I did it!
- March 16th interview with a data-focused research organization for a potential graduate school fellowship placement(more about why this important below).
It Gets Worse Before it Gets Better:
March was a crazy month. I was dealing with that weird illnesses but also receiving good news to keep me going. On March 16th, I interviewed with a potential partner placement for my graduate school fellowship (more on that in another post). This research institution specializes in data for the city of Baltimore. More on that later after the fellows are announced online. Even though my body felt like it was slowly deteriorating on the inside from mystery illness, the interview was great.
After the conversation, I sent the director a thank you/follow-up email detailing more about my technical background. At the end of the email, I mentioned that I was recently accepted into the Correlation One Data Science for All Empowerment Program (DS4A). I explained about the program, provided a link to their YouTube channel, and attached the brochure. The director (enthusiastically) let me know that the program is the perfect pre-work training to start at their organization.
” And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Pre-Foundational Python Program:
The pre-foundational python (PPP) classes started on March 20th. The cases were complex, but I enjoyed meeting with my group and interacting with everyone on Slack. If you didn’t successfully pass these four weeks of PPP, then you did not move on to become a fellow and start the DS4A program.
April 6th, I found out I was offered the graduate fellowship. A sign of relief! My excitement was through the moon. I placed EXTRA pressure on myself to pass PPP because I would lose my graduate fellowship if I didn’t. No, this is entirely FALSE, but that imposter parasite told me it would happen.
The stories we tell ourselves can be so toxic it is truly unbelievable. That is why constantly working on your growth mindset is so important.
April 6th is also an important date because I received the covid vaccine. The next day I was so sick. My body was slowly recovering and getting stronger from what happened in March, and then BAM! I was unable to take care of myself for about 36 hours until my fever broke. Thank God my mom is a nurse. For another 24 to 48 hours, my body did what it needed to do to fight. It was crazy! But now fully vaccinated.
April 14th was the deadline to complete all casework AND the final project. I lost about 3.5 days and had to play catch up. Activated my David Goggins tunnel vision. April 16th, I received the email informing me that I passed PPP and may now move on to the DS4A program, which started on April 17th.
The New Beginning:
This reflection has reminded me of how far I’ve come. And how self-doubt can be really crippling. Imagine if I never applied? I chose myself for once and leaped on the possibility that I can and WILL create the life of my dreams.
Weekly post will continue about this journey into Data Science and the Data Science for All Empowerment Program. Will you join me?
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